Monday, May 31, 2004

no pasaran!!

My university is full of nerds. Seriously, it sux. There are cool people too and even some hotties but all I'm seeing right now are nerds and geeky guys. Anyways, I'm ok with geeks, there are some hot ones.. hehe.
Don't take me too seriously, I've had and extra dose of caffeine this morning...

I'm starting to think what I'm gonna do for my birthday. Silvia's play is friday night, and I'm so going to see it, she'll be awsome. Censurados + Hirurko concert is on Friday too, and it happens to be at the same time. With this all my plans go straight to hell. I was thinking about getting my friends up to see my sis's play, then go to the concert and after that, decide whether we stay at my place or go to Malasaña (part of Madrid where I always go to, there are cool pubs and bars there), but now I gotta think of something else. My sis told me last night I don't have to go to see her if I preffer the concert, but not only I know I should go, I also preffer her play. There'll be plenty of shows. They're just local bands. Good, but local, so they'll play often in my town.
I think I'll just go to the play and then meet my friends in Madrid, that'll be the easiest thing to do. Anyways, I'll ask if they wanna come to the play first. I'm not too worried really, I know that it'll be great fun no matter what we end up doing. It's the company that counts more than the action really.
It'd be awsome to have all my friends over one year. Those from Holland (Ik ben kntterleip!!!), Canada, Liam, Eric and of course all those that I have here!

It's my cousin Marta's birthday too. She's turning 8 the 6th. It seems like yesterday when she was born!! Why do my little cousins have to grow?? Diego's turning 7 in october!! I wish they'd stay like this forever. They're adorable the way they are now... But, anyways, they'll be cute as hell and "my babies" forever.. hehe. Maybe I should post some pics of them so you all know what I'm talking about... And returning to the birthdays' point, I have no idea of how and where we're going to celebrate them. Usually we all meet at my place, have a BBQ and go to the swimming pool, but the swimming pool's not opened yet, and our neighbours are having building work... Oh, yeah, let me explain this last thing: they're making some reforms on the garden, the fence that separated their garden from ours fell down, and they have some big holes on the ground where the kids could fall... We might just wait till it's all done and the swimming pool opened, there's no need to hurry really.

After all that rubbish that any of you probably give shit about, I just wanted to say how great is to find random post at your guestbook from ppl you don't know. I find it so cool.. So, yup, thanx to everyone who's ever left any comment in my guestbook, despite knowing me or not.

:: So bury me in memory
:: His smile your rope
:: So wrap it tight around your throat

:: On the drive home
:: Joke about the kid you used to see
:: And his jealousy
:: Breaking hearts has never looked so cool
:: As when you wrat your car around a tree
:: Your makeup looks great next to his teeth

- Tell that Mick he just made my list of things to do today, Fall Out Boy -

Sunday, May 30, 2004


Kids are annoying when you have to study. I spent all afternoon hearing laughs and screams coming from outside my window that kept me far from concentrating. It drove me nuts.
Parents, consider the idea of keeping your monsters at home. For everyone's health and their own security.
(Seems like I've forgotten that I've been a monster too, uh?)

*sneeze* What the hell's wrong with pollen this year? Making me sneeze all the time!! I am NOT allergic!!! Maybe I should consider the fact that I might be, or might be starting to be... Alex keeps saying I am all day long. Bastard. Hehe.

I'm thinking about getting more tattoos. I'm not too sure about what I wanna get, but I want more. Maybe small flames somewhere, or more stars. Maybe "HOPE" between little black stars on the back on my neck. I don't know. I won't probably get anything of what I said... I have to make my mind, but I have plenty of time.....

My neck and back hurts, anyone up for a massage?

(Turning 19 in two days!! YAY)

Wednesday, May 26, 2004


I'm feeling pretty down today. Everything's coming to my mind. All the bad things I mean. I can't stop thinking about Toni's dad, and how Toni must be feeling right now. It's awfull. Good people shouldn't be allowed to die. I can't get used to the idea... I just can't. I bet he doesn't either. Shit. It's too bad to be true..

And it's not only that what I have in mind... I'm nostalgic too. Do you still remember all the good times we had last June? I do, babe. It seemed we'd be best friends forever. It turned out not to be so. I wish I could go back in time even tho that wouldn't change a thing of how're things going now.
I don't know what could've happened. It all simply changed. One day I woke up and you weren't there to make me laugh. Too unexpected to understand.
I'll just keep acting normal, I'll keep being myself. I won't let you know I'm forever changed for what we once had. And don't get me wrong, all we had was the best of friendships. Despite what people may think, despite what you may think. Too bad it didn't last. Too bad it's probably not to ever come back. I'll be here tho, not waiting, but here.

Do you think I should stop listening to The Early November? That might be what's making me sooo emo. It might be cause I'm emo why I'm listening to it. Stupid relativity. You never know which way things go...

Why is it that it hurts so much?? Why can't it go away??

Monday, May 24, 2004

new weather?

It's monday, and it's rainning. Doesn't the guy up there controlling the weather machine know thre's no more need to keep it in "rain mode"? The wedding's over, and it's almost June. Enough for dark clouds and grey skies. It's summer's time.

We made some band pictures for the website yesterday but I haven't seen them yet. We'll upload them as soon as the site is ready. It's just work in progress. We're still making logos and stuff, so it might take a while.
It was real fun when we took the pics, it's was all wet, we couldn't sit anywhere (tho Hugo and Alex did anyways), Javi climbed a tree and pretended to be a monkey... It was a nice afternoon (despite it was raining). They're all awsome and fun to be with. I love my "intermissioners". Hehe.

I'm tired... Lacking sleep again, lacking sleep as usual. Routine is exhausting. Ouch. Nap time. Aw, no, wait... time to go home. Not the same, but better than nothing...

:: I know you want it all and you got me
:: Sorry I never was everything you ever dreamed
:: But kept at bay for just in case that day

:: But it's okay to come around
:: When nights like this are never ending
:: I tried so hard to make this perfect
:: You and I somehow
:: We can't see eye to eye together
:: We always knew that you worked better

- Baby Blue, The Early November -

Saturday, May 22, 2004


Yeah, baby, it rained! It rained!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

god, don't save the queen

Saturday is close.. The greatest day for the actual spanish monarchy.
And what the fuck do I care? I'm fed up with the stupid wedding. I hate it. I hate it all. The king, the prince, the queen... everything that has anything to do with monarchy. Come on! We're on 2004! monarchy is sooo out of place nowadays!!

It's so lame... People talking about the marriage 24/7 on TV, people everywhere talking about it... "oh! It's gonna be so beautiful", "I can't wait!", "our little prince has finally found his princess.." (like if she was a princess anyway..) and an extra large etcetera of stupid coments.. Please, give me a break.
Why do we all spaniards apparently have to care about the prince and his bride getting married? Why are there people that actually care?? Why the fuck do people care about weddings that are not their own or of someone they know? I don't get it.

Stupidity gets on my nerves. And it is all around.

So, yeah, happy wedding for the couple and my deepest wishes that it rains on Saturday.

Sunday, May 16, 2004


Name Four Things That You Wish You Had:
- a skittles' machine in my bedroom
- a plane (and a pilot)
- endless money (cause I already have all that money can't buy)
- good marks on june exams

Name Four Scents You Love:
- the smell after ir rains (wet ground!!)
- nice parfum
- heart-shaped lollipops
- bodymilk

Name Four People You Know Best:
- Ana
- Palo
- Cris
- Nacho

Name Four Things You'd Never Wear:
- nautical shoes
- golden bracelet
- ballet leggings
- a shirt of a band I don’t like

Name Four Things You Are Thinking About:
- stop talking to me!!
- I really have to study...
- I'm tired!!
- mmm, this cheerios were good..!

Name Four Things You Did Today:
- Studied for a while
- tryed to tidy up my room
- went to my lil cousin's B-day
- met some friends

Name Four Artists/Albums Most People Don't Know You Like:
- Simon and Garfunkel
- Backstreet Boys
- Ismael Serrano
- El canto del loco

- hair: short, colored red
- height: no a clue. Small, tho
- favorite feature: mmm..... let me think..... dont know.

- current clothing: Dickies black pants, yellow vans t-shirt.
- music: Sick of Change
- makeup: not really. just once in a while i'd say
- body art: 2 tattoos (are piercings body art? in that case, one)
- shoes: skateshoes

- did: finished a bowl of cheerios
- read: Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets
- watched on tv: 20 minutes of the movie "Never been kissed"

- club or house party: house party
- tea or coffee: coffee
- high achiever or easy-going: easy-going
- cats or dogs: dogs
- pen or pencil: pen
- gloves or mittens: gloves
- cassette or cd: cd
- snuff or cigarettes: none
- coke or pepsi: coke
- matches or a lighter: lighter
- sunset beach or the bold and the beautiful: ¿ ?

- kill: some politicians (tho i wouldnt kill anyone)
- hear from: people who I haven't seen in a long time or live far
- look like: my sister!! (just kidding, it's a joke we had tonight..) No one in particular, just me.
- be like: me myself

- food: pasta, all kinds
- drink: coke
- color: black and pink (yellow, purple, blue, red...)
- shoes: skateshoes
- site: there are more than one
- song: same answer as above
- vegetable: can it be vegetable stew??
- fruit: Strawberry, pineapple, watermelon...

- last movie you saw: Brother Bear
- last movie you saw on the big screen: Big Fish
- last thing you had to drink: water
- last thing you ate: cheerios
- last time you cried: yesterday
- last time you smiled: half an hour ago
- last time you laughed: half an hour ago too
- last time you danced: cant remember
- last person you hugged: Nacho
- last thing you said: I have to finisht it before wednesday
- last person you talked to online: Alex
- last thing you smelled: milk

DO YOU...?
- smoke: nope
- sleep with a stuffie: not anymore
- have a dream that keeps coming back: nope
- believe there is life on other planets: completly
- read the newspaper: yeah, the one they give on the train I take to class
- have any gay or lesbian friends: yup
- believe it's possible to remain faithful forever: not really
- consider yourself tolerant of others: yeah
- consider police a friend or foe: foe most of times (ley antibotellon... :-s)
- like the taste of alcohol: depends of what kind of alcohol it is
- have a favorite Stooge: nope
- believe in astrology: no
- believe in magic: no. starting to.. this Harry Potter guy is making me think.. hehe. No, really, I don't
- pray: never
- go to church: nope
- have any secrets: yes
- have any pets: no
- go to or plan to go to college: I'm in college
- have a degree: not yet
- wear hats: I wish I could find one my size! They're all too big and look bad on me!
- have any piercings: yeah, one.
- have any tattoos: 2 stars
- hate yourself: NO
- wish on stars: yes... *sigh*
- like your handwriting: yep, it's ok.
- believe in witches: not in the ones with magic powers and broomsticks...
- believe in Satan: no
- believe in ghosts: no
- trust others easily: yeah (big problem sometimes)
- like sarcasm: sometimes
- take walks in the rain: no, I hate being outside when it's raining.
- kiss with your eyes closed: hell yes
- sing in the shower: dont use to

Monday, May 10, 2004

good old friendz

The "party" at school on friday was pretty good. I have to admit that as soon as I got there I thought about telling Cris not to park, turn round and go somewhere else. But we parked anyways, and walked into school. At first it was a really weird feeling, seing eveyone after a year, people I couldn't stand coming up to say hi and pretend they care about my life, but I could get over it, and enjoy the rest of the day. It was awsome to see some of my old friends. There are people I know since I was 5 years old and that I haven't seen since last June. It was great to see them and laugh over old jokes and crazy stuff we used to do in class. It was good to see old teachers too. Specially some of them.

When we finished at school we went out, and after hanging out with old friends for a while I left and went to meet Nacho. We went to "Shock" and met the rest of us, but we only stayed for a bit. Saturday at home and Sunday band practice. It hasn't been a bad weekend.

We might be getting a singer soon. This guy I met at Belvedere's show that was Reyes' and Harek's friend sings and he's coming next sunday to try. I hope everything works out and he stays. We need a singer, and he seems pretty nice.

We finally finished the power point presentation for class. Well, I did. There's only one part left, and someone else's supposed to do it. I'll have to learn my part tonight. Shit, I so dont feel like doing it...!!! I hope it's not as bad as I think it'd be.

I've been feeling really good with myself and with everything around me lately. Well, actually I don't think good is the word, I'd better say that I've been really happy lately. Yeah, that's it. Almost everything's going fine and even if it wasn't I think I'd be feeling exactly the same way. I don't know why but there are times that I feel really happy with no apparent reason. The same way that there are others that I feel bad for the same. But I guess I'm nothing special. I bet everyone have that kind of moment and feelings once in a while. And I think that's actually one of the reason that makes us feel alive.

:: Hey Julie,
:: Look what they're doing to me
:: Trying to trip me up
:: Trying to wear me down
:: Julie, I swear, it's so hard to bear it
:: And I'd never make it through without you around
:: Hours on the phone making pointless calls
:: I got a desk full of papers that means nothing at all
:: Sometimes I catch myself staring into space
:: Counting down the hours 'til I get to see your face

- Hey Julie, Fountains of Wayne -

Friday, May 7, 2004

chasing u

- I love you. And not in a friendly way, although I think we're great friends. And not in a misplaced affection, puppy-dog way, although I'm sure that's what you'll call it. And it's not because you're unattainable. I love you. Very simple, very truly. You're the epitome of every attribute and quality I've ever looked for in another person. I know you think of me as just a friend, and crossing that line is the furthest thing from an option you'd ever consider. But I had to say it. I can't take this anymore. I can't stand next to you without wanting to hold you. I can't look into your eyes without feeling that longing you only read about in trashy romance novels. I can't talk to you without wanting to express my love for everything you are. I know this will probably queer our friendship -no pun intended- but I had to say it, because I've never felt this before, and I like who I am because of it. And if bringing it to light means we can't hang out anymore, then that hurts me. But I could'nt allow another day to go by without getting it out there, regardless of the outcome, which by the look on your face is to be the inevitable shoot-down. And I'll accept that. But I know some part of you is hesitating for a moment, and if there is a moment of hesitiation, that means you feel something too. All I ask is that you not dismiss that -at least for ten seconds- and try to dwell in it. Alyssa, there is'nt another soul on this fucking planet who's ever made me half the person I am when I'm with you, and I would risk this friendship for the chance to take it to the next plateau. Because it's there between you and me. you can't deny that. And even if we never speak again after tonight, please know that I'm forever changed because of who you are and what you've meant to me, which -while I do appreciate it- I'd never need a painting of birds bought at a diner to remind me of -

- Holden, Chasing Amy -


I'm hell tired!! I'm really lacking sleep. I'm supposed to be in class, but I couldn't get up on time this morning, so I decided to stay home for a while and just go to my second class.

Band practice yesterday was pretty good. Better than usual. It seems things are working out. I hope they keep going this way, otherwise we'll have to say good-bye to music. Well, you know, not to music, but to the band, and maybe in some time start something again, with different people. Anyways, I don't want this one to end. It won't. I'm sure we'll get better and better now.

I'm going to school today, around 18:00. They're giving out a "party" (if you can call it a party) for old students. I gotta say I'm looking forward to it. I wanna see my old teachers (some of them..) and some people I haven't seen for a year or so. My school was full of assholes and spoilt brats but there were some cool kids too. And, well, after 13 years you kinda grow fond of some of the assholes too. So yeah, I think it'll be fun to go and see how're people doing with their lives.
What I'll do after that is a real mistery... I might just come home and study tonight and go out tomorrow, or I might just go out today and stay tomorrow. I should go all day on sunday to practice with the band, and I really need to get my ass moving with studying. Exams are almost here and I don't wanna screw it up again.

I called Las Dunas on monday and talked to own of the owners to see if I could go back this summer to work at the beach bar. They said I can. They counted with me already. I hope it's as fun as last summer. Work was boring and getting on my nerves sometimes but the people I worked with were awsome, and the times after work even better. I'll have to study this year tho.. :-s Mo promised to help me, so he'd better or I won't serve him cold beer. hehe. It¡d be so cool if Nacho came with me this summer... I'm gonna tell him to at least come once in a while, I'll help him pay the train or whatever he takes to get there.And I'll write and call everytime I can.

My lil cousins are coming over this summer too. My aunt and uncle rented a bungalow for 2 weeks and my granparents are coming too. It'll be fun. The kids are cute as hell, but you might know that already. I talk about it all the time..