Monday, February 26, 2007

frappuccino? iced cappuccino!

Im back home after a long flight were they gave us dinner at 6 pm and breakfast at 11 pm, and then another flight with more breakfast, and a car drive.
Actually almost 2 days have gone by since i got back. Its 2 am and i cant sleep. I wonder if its still matter of jet lag cause I really havent been sleeping much since i left Toronto, therefore i should be pretty tired right now. And i really should get some sleep cause class tomorrow starts at 8:30 and its gonna be a long day.

It was 7ºC a couple of hours ago and its probably not much colder now, definitely not minus and definitely there's no snow anywhere around here. As much as everyone there seems to hate snow and their minus temperatures i kinda miss it already.
See, now i find it funny when i hear people say "it's cold". Cold is -15º C, -25ºC with wind chill.
But this will eventually wear off and I'll go back to my usual swearing and complaining whenever the thermometer gets below 5º.

It always takes me a while to get used to being back home after a long, or not so long trip. Going back to routine and class and lack of sleep is something im not looking forward.
What i really wanna do is get up tomorrow and head off to Tim Hortons for a large french vanilla.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

in the cold

Im in Toronto. Going up to Orillia tomorrow morning and heading off to Silverstein show in a couple of minutes.
So just that. I dont really have much time to post. Maybe next week.
One more thing: i love this city. Seriously.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

canucks land

Im going back.
To Canada.
On Saturday.


Listening: Coheed and Cambria - A favor house atlantic.