Friday, December 30, 2005

buh bye 2005

Im almost ready for new year's. Well, i've still have no idea of what i'll end up doing or where the hell im gonna go to after twelve, but im not stressed anymore about not having a plan. Ill be hanging out with close friends and that's always a good thing. I just need a pair of heel shoes that i'll go buy tomorrow. Me, with heel shoes, yes.
But for today, chuck taylors, black pants and the 12 lucky grapes 24 hours earlier.
Who would've said i'd be excited for new year's eve, the day i hate the most at the beginning of the holidays. Probably the fact that im getting my christmas presents tomorrow night, insted of the 6th as usual, have something to do with my sudden thrill.

Oh, and it is just me or everyone still in school feels like January 1st isnt really the beggining of a new year? Cause seriously, for me, years start in september-october and finish in june. The missing months lets just say are neutral, or official months for fun (if you dont have exams in september).

Anyhow, im off to the shower.
In case i dont get online tomorrow, happy new year. For all.

Listening: Hawthorne Heights - Silver bullet.

Monday, December 26, 2005

X-mash. Haha. Retard.

I've got this song stuck in mind. My 2-year-old cousin is fully responsible. Or rather, his dad, who turned on the computer and kept clicking 'play' all over again while little David clapped and I stared at the screen.

When two vowels go walking
The first one does the talking
In "boat" you hear the "o" and not the "a"

In "meat" you hear the "e"
The "a" sits quietly
The second vowel you see but you don't say.

I hope everyone had a good night and day.
Except you, who most probably won't read this, cause you are a total asshole.
Go be an hypocrite with someone else.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

merry christmas!

A quick update before i run thru the door. Dont wanna be late for the Christmas Eve lunch with the gang, a new tradition we made up last night.

The new house its awesome. Small and without much furniture, but im certain it'll look great once we get it all sorted out. Plus the views from the balcony are impressive. And it's located only a few meters from the beach. One hour and half away from a ski resort.

Regarding my OC addiction i'll say it's back. I have the complete second season for the holidays.

Merry Christmas everyone. Have a good night and good luck with Santa. I've got an early present from the fat old man. A fever. Ouch.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

fins dimecres!

I'm all packed for Saturday.
The bag's leaving tomorrow. My sister and I on Saturday.

I'm really excited about the new house. Oh, the beach.
Hey! now i can definitely buy a rashguard! Just in case, you know..

Be good, people.

Listening: Plus 44 - No it isn't.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

dear santa

Im making a Christmas list.
Now i just gotta decide what im writing down.

I'm also re-watching OC first season.
And i'm not much into Ryan Atwood anymore.
Actually, it's the Ryan-Marissa thing what im not such a fan of.

Thursday, December 8, 2005

mi casa es tu casa

Bands like FM Static remind me of the time in high school in Canada. With that boy who called to ask if i'd go to his football practice and walked me to my locker every morning that i saw him in the hallway, and who turned out to be an asshole and nowadays looks nothing like the hot guy he used to be. And that other kid that used to tease and tickle me everytime i walked by, and that would later on write me those letters saying he used to follow me to class before we'd even met and tried to make me look at him staring thru the door window.
Those were the days.
When she was still here and i'd see her every morning when i woke up. She, who'd bring me the phone with a wide smile in her face at 6 am when my mom called from Spain. She, who would start thinking about Christmas around October, hated snow and loved her cat.
She, who I miss more than I can say with words despite its been 4 years since the last day i spent with her. Since that summer i went back to spend 2 months with a family that made me feel at home since the moment I met them.

I cant stop thinking about her. Specially now that we're preparing the xmas package we send every year and that this time lacks olives, cause she was the one who liked them. And because i found a card she sent me just to say she missed me.

Listening: FM Static - Definitely maybe.

Monday, December 5, 2005

snow, the only reason I like winter

Snowboard Mission accomplished. With some mishaps, but accomplished after all.
The original plan was to go up to Navacerrada and spend all day snowboarding, or rather, till the ski resort closed. But we got there and the weather was terrible, therefore, all trails were closed.
What do you do when you wanna snowboard really bad and there's not way of doing it outdoors? You go to a snow park. And so we did.
It was my first time in Xanadu and I loved it. The place cant compete with a big snowed mountain, obviously, but it's bigger than i expected, there weren't too many people, it's good enough for beginners and open every day of the year.
It's been great fun. I cant wait for the next time, hopefully then, with real snow.

Also, it's been the first time snowboarding goofy, and i found out im a lot more comfy with my right foot on front. Buh bye regular.

Listening: Bleed The Dream - Legends die.

Sunday, December 4, 2005


Here's my contribution about TDT.
I think the only difference that it's gonna make is that we'll have 30 channels to zap thru.

Anyway, I hope I'm wrong and among the junk TV we're so used to by now there are a few decent channels.

I'll update as soon as i get the decoder and decide to waste a few minutes in front of the box.

"take it easy, man, take it easy..."

The boys are back from L.A.!
It was awesome to see them last night and hear some of the histories about the places they've gone to and things they've done. Im really looking forward the pictures and videos.
They got me a postcard from Santa Monica, half written by Sergio, half by Mario. Sweet stuff. Things like this make you feel special. I mean, knowing someone's thought of you so far from home and wanted you to be there cause you would have loved it.

Last night i didnt mind the rain soaking my clothes and face on the way home.

Today lunch with both of them and more laughs over the journey.

Hopefully soon we'll all be walking down Sunset Blvd together.
But for the moment, snowboard. Monday. Yay.

Thursday, December 1, 2005


Looks like today's just been a bad nightmare. Sort of.

I'm, again, done with Java.
No class till the 12th.
Snowboard next week.

And a house at the beach on the 16th. Empuriabrava (Girona).

Things are looking good again.

for anyone who has ever dreamed of flying

Yesterday, Samu told me about Google Earth and I right away went to the site to download it and start using it. Awesome stuff. The image quality is a bit poor in some places, but the overall is great. It's perfectly understandable they dont have the whole world registered, yet, the way they have the States, where you can even look for a specific address or route and it'll find it within seconds.
Just a warning, it's addictive. As much as powerball i'd say and this doesnt leave your arm sore.
I've spent all evening staring at houses and buildings in L.A., San Diego, Madrid, Canberra ...
I even found Hugo's old high school in Miami.

On a different note, I have to translate my résumé into English. Im gonna go for that job in San Diego. The store is the shit.

Listening: James Blunt - You're beautiful.