Thursday, September 29, 2005


A: Si existiera el brownie de vainilla sí que sería la hostia.
B: Pero ya no sería brownie...
A: Bueno, y qué? Pues sería yellowie. Y sería la hostia.

Que bien te lo puedes llegar a pasar un sábado en un centro comercial de pijos cenando y jugando al billar con amigos.

Monday, September 26, 2005

pictures stay forever

Last night looking for a picture of a friend moving to London, I found one of someone else that i didnt remember i had. A picture that i probably took sometime last year.

Right now i could just start whining about all those oportunities i lost for not being clear, direct and/or brave enough. For not saying what i felt when it could've made a difference. But I wont.
And I could also say it won't happen again. But I wont, cause that'd be lying. Im not one that learns from past mistakes when it comes to that.
But, hey, It's not a day to get nostalgic.

Happy Monday everyone.

P.S. Take care, Nacho. You're going to be missed.
"Those shares were mine, motherfucker!!!"

Listening: Underoath - Reinventing your exit.

magic alonso they called him

Like many people in Spain today, i'll blog about the F-1 race. Or rather than the race, about the fact that our boy has made it.
World Champion. Youngest in history, and first spanish. There's nothing.
Congrats to him and everyone in the Renault Team.
This is more than i would have expected years ago, when he won his first race. Or when I played with empty boxes and liked to think i was Ayrton Senna.
It's been a pleasure to follow every race.

And as that mechanic's t-shirt read: Schumacher who?

Saturday, September 24, 2005


My driving license and the Cry Havoc cd that I ordered a month ago arrived yesterday. About time if you let me say it.
Also, the show at night ruled. I loved Emerge. Out of all the bands Nacho's played in, that's probably the one i like the most.
I didnt see the rest of the bands playing. We stayed outside the venue for a few hours, then got back in for a while and around 2 we left for tribunal to meet up with Sergio and Mario. And on the way there, at Nacho's car a tape with all my favorite songs from 2 or 3 years ago. I need a copy.
The fact that one song was on the tape cause long ago i said it was my favorite on that pulley's record made me feel important. Thanx for that.
Those songs brought good memories to mind.
Its funny how it doesnt seem that long and at the same time seems longer than it's been.

Ive just found out the show tonight's been cancelled. Shit.
Lets call people to see what's the plan. Someone talked about doing something cool tonight. I'm up for that.

Listening: One True Thing - Who's amazing?

Thursday, September 22, 2005


On the 11th of November i'll be flying to London. Taste of Chaos on sunday 13th.
Ive just bought both show and flight tickets.
Can't wait.

Listening: Marea - A la mierda primavera.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

P.O.S. farewell

"thanx. goodbye".
Those are the last words of Dear You, and were the last words from Pictures of Shorelines last night. Great song to finish the show.
Last night I noticed i've been at Karol's first and last show with P.O.S. Juli too. Pradas and Nacho, who also went to Barcelona that 19 December 2003, couldnt be there last night.
Shame, cause it was a great show. They've done better other times, but you cant take this as a normal show. It was the last one. Last time playing those songs. It had to be special. More fun to offset the sadness of the goodbye. Not really taking into account if the songs sounded perfect.
Anyway, it was a awesome. Really emotional. Really hard listening to certain songs. Those who've made me cry and my hair stand on end.
The old songs are gonna be missed. But oh well, at least we have the cd. And Im certain the new project is gonna rock the shit. Stars is an awsome song. And i was told last night there are a few new ones that im gonna love. I'll go to practice this week. Can't wait to hear them.

After the show we went to leave the equipment at the studio and head off to Majadahonda to party. It was cold as fuck, but it didnt matter. I saw people i hadnt seen for a while and had an awesome time. Specially around 5 when we found out they were playing punk at the PSOE stand. We were at IU having a few drinks when Pablo comes saying: hey guys! they're playing Rufio!! So we go over and holy shit! Rufio, Finch, Rise Against, Further Seems Forever, Avenged Sevenfold, My Chemical Romance, Anberlin...
Kick ass music and free drink.

Today it's gonna be movies. Maybe Nothink's show too. We'll see.
Party mode is ON.

Btw, changes again. No Sevilla next weekend (most probably), nor Barcelona. And no London for Silverstein. Now it might be London. November 11-14th. Taste of Chaos. !!! Gotta talk to Nacho. I wont have the money to go if i can't stay at his place.

PS. I gotta get me the shampoo they used to wash my hair yesterday at the hairdresser's. It smelled like bubble gum. Strawberry Bubaloo to be precise. Yummy hair.

Listening: Pictures of Shorelines - Crossed ways.

Friday, September 16, 2005


My 4 year old neighbor (with who i havent spent more than an hour) coming to invite me to her birthday.
Checking my marks on the internet and finding out I've passed Digital Electronics.
One of my best friends saying he'd love me to pick him up from the airport. 9 am. 25th.
Spending the evening drawing the girl called X. (despite not having any art skill)

That and a couple more things, made my day.
I told you it was easy to make happy.

Listening: Straylight Run - Existentialism on prom night.

fiestas. dia 1.

What a great night that of yesterday.
Around 9 i get a sms from Reyes saying she was gonna go out and that i should too. Ok, lets forget the exam on saturday and go out for a while.
5 minutes later i get a call from Pablo who was also coming up.

At 11:30 Reyes and I arrived there (local festivities, fair, drink stands, shows (crappy shows), and lots of people). Met some people, got a few drinks.
The place was not as crowdy as it is on the weekends, which was a real plus, and i didnt see anyone i didnt want to see. The thing i hate he most about this time of year and this place is seeing people from school that i dont like and having to say hi. Be polite to people you can't stand and smile while they pretend they're interested in what you're doing with you life.
Anyway, as i said, i just met people i liked at school and that i really enjoy talking to.

More tonight if i decide im not doing the exam tomorrow, or tomorrow if i decide i'll do it.
What's for sure is the show tomorrow. Pictures of Shorelines last show. The kids are staying together, but they're gonna stop playing the old songs (those in the record), and change their name.
The best of luck to them with the new proyect. It'll be just as good. The new songs are awesome.

Btw, cool "RSS 2.0" shirt that Chema (aka pepevi, jose) was wearing.

Listening: April Sixth - Roses.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

a name and a body

Free Image Hosting at

She's weak and brokenhearted.
He's the cutest boy. And the bastard she fell for.
Wanna know more? Here.

Listening: Death Cab for Cutie - I will follow you into the dark.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Tomorrow I'll have friends at the library. Samu's coming over to study.

Hopefully i'll find some concentration. It's been a bad week so far.
Lately I tend to stare at papers thinking about stuff i should forget.
And it brings me down.

To make things worse I'm just bottling it all up.

On the other hand, good things in the near future:
- A trip to Sevilla on the 24th. (Emerge's show)
- Barcelona the week after (not sure yet)
- That paintball tournament Jorge told me about.

:: I tear my hear open,
:: I sew myself shut.
:: My weakness is that I care too much,
:: and my scars remind me that the past is real.

Listening: Papa Roach - Scars.


You've survied the query.
No worries, Mr. I'm-not-going-cause-I-have-a-wedding. :-p

DELETE FROM earth WHERE asshole = 'yes'

(transfer's over. off to bed)

Listening: The Bled - She calls home.

Monday, September 12, 2005


Being alone is not much fun anymore. Feeling forgotten and rejected either.

But there are always things to raise a smile. Like that short but nice talk last night with a very good friend. So it's for that talk and that smile, that all my writing today, at least for the moment, go to you.
For that, and the way you make me laugh at shows, looking at me making funny faces while you play drums, for the way you like the backstreet boys and sing Incomplete. For the times you've come over for a movie and dinner, for the Student Rick cd that you burnt for me and the way you still call me "hormiga".
For yelling "im kidnapped!!" while i talked to Mario and bringing pizza on your birthday. For always having the coolest haircut and style, and a girlfriend i adore. For being worse than me juggling, wearing pink bracelets and being so sweet.
For that and all the hugs, enana says "te quiero, Osquitar."
Dentro de poco por fin escucharé Ashton.

Y aquí tienes tu historia. Click.

Listening: Coheed and Cambria - The suffering.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

romeo is bleeding to death

Some songs touch you so deeply that they make you cry. And the feeling is awesome.
With no need for explanations.

Listening: Funeral For A Friend - History.

oreo cake

I had and awesome night last night.
Thanks to everyone who came over. Little Wipo (aka Hugo) was missed.

More next weekend. I wanna see you all here!

Listening: The Academy Is... - Attention.

Saturday, September 10, 2005


And I'll say it's alright, but it really isnt. It hurts like hell.

(Editing is not cool. I know. Im sorry.)

Listening: This Day and Age - I remember me.

Friday, September 9, 2005


Now, which one do I get?
From Autumn To Ashes
Coheed and Cambria
My Chemical Romance
Strike Anywhere
Motion City Soundtrack

Probably Coheed and Cambria, but let's see what you think.

(Shirts For A Cure via Harek)

look mom, no wires!

What an awsome day.

I got my wifi installed at last. (yeah, im blogging from my room. yay)

Liam's package that he sent me didnt get lost on the way. He got it back this morning and he's going to resend it. He said I'll love it. Can't wait to see what it is. This kid is awesome.

I found a really cool poadcast.

I'm one day closer to the last exam.

I can juggle with 3 clubs.

Listening: Funeral for a Friend - All the rage.

Tuesday, September 6, 2005


Mwahahahahahahahaha! Click.

Thanx, WeeZ.
If this doesnt get me addicted i might try that game you told me about.

Listening: Avenged Sevenfold - Beast and the harlot.

Sunday, September 4, 2005

buh bye

Summer's gone. New life starting in a month.

New degree. New attitude. New friends.
Time to move on.

Let's take things as they come.
Let's hang out.

Target: enjoy.

Listening: Anberlin - Audrey, start the revolution!

Friday, September 2, 2005

fix that bathroom, you hear me?

How unfortunate for the bathroom in the library to be out of order today.
I had to come home to pee (sounds stupid but couldnt be more true) to my regret cause it was being quite a productive day and i was sitting next to the hottest guy i've seen around there for the time being.

Listening: Motion City Soundtrack - Everything is alright

Thursday, September 1, 2005

sunshine city smile (i quote)

How great it is to thave the iPod on, playing on shuffle and loud enough to not hear a thing coming from outside the headphones.
Just you inside your music bubble, feeling from Alkaline Trio to Avenged Sevenfold. Going thru Emery and Something Corporate and feeling like Cavanaugh Park is somewhere you've been to.

You get to you final destination, turn off the music and next thing that happens is you're scared the shit out of you by your 7-year-old cousin who was hiding behind the door, and right after comes a cute and far from scary "booo!!" from his 3-year-old sister who's rushing to frighten too. You pretend you've been scared shitless again and get hugged so hard it almost hurts.
After a couple of hours of laughing, playing and making promises of a longer visit once exams are over, leave to hang out with a cool friend.
Time to get home. You get pissed cause Line 3 is still closed but instead of cursing you only shrug and keep walking. Stop to get Lipton and Skittles, and once again, shuffle mode on.

So i'm there, walking around one of my favorite cities, that happens to be my own, listening to some of my favotite songs, having my favorite candy and one of my favorite drinks, when i think "i could not be happier".
And it's then that this song i've been addicted to comes on, describing the exact way im feeling.

Cause maybe some things could've been better, but nothing, nothing is the end of the world.

Listening: Melendi - Caminando por la vida


A: but nature created coffee for a reason
B: nature also created sleep
A: and said: when sleeping less than 8 hours, drink coffee and enjoy
B: funny, i thought i overheard nature say
A: nah, you probably misheard that

Listening: Alkaline Trio - Dethbed