Tuesday, December 30, 2003


Last night I went to bed at 6am and I won't probably go any sooner tonight. I'm gonna create another "virtual me" at the Skittles website and send it all over. My message to the world: do you have some Skittles for me?

I've been listening to Blink 182's last cd and I'm starting to like it lots. The first time I heard it I honestly thought it was a piece of crap, but belive me, it's a pretty good album. Just a warning for those who are looking for the same old Blink stuff: stay away from this. Another cd that I've also been crazy about this past weeks is Mest, self titled. It has some catchy songs that are, for sure, worth a listening. YAY. I'm a poppy girl.

btw, happy new year.

:: Hello there, the angel from my nightmare
:: The shadow in the background of the morgue
:: The unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley
:: We can live like Jack and Sally if we want
:: Where you can always find me
:: We'll have Halloween on Christmas
:: And in the night we'll wish this never ends
:: We'll wish this never ends

- I Miss You, Blink 182 -

Thursday, December 25, 2003

merry fucking christmas

I'm totally pissed off right now. I feel my forehead's vein getting thicker and my eyes blazing. Who would say it's Christmas Eve... This is more like Hallowe'en, or at least I'm more like a Hallowe'en sort of monster than a chick who's just spend her night with family. But fuck Xmas anways. This hasn't been the good-friendly-perfect night it was supposed to be and belive me, I don't give a shit. I'm starting to hate this role of "hey-come-on-its-Xmas-lets-all-act-normal-and-happy". Tho this shitty night hasn't been so for that matter. Still, Fuck Xmas.

:: If god came down on Christmas Day
:: I know exactly what he'd say
:: He'd say "Oi to the punks and Oi to the skins
:: Oi to the world and everybody wins!"

- Oi to the world, The Vandals -

Monday, December 22, 2003

BCN burnt

I got home last night from the trip to Barcelona. Pictures of Shorelines rocked. They were the best of all the bands that played on Friday. At lest they were so for me. The rest of the trip kicked ass too. I had fun. The way back on Nacho's car was pretty cool. Listening to punk mix tapes and Simon & Garfunkel. Good combination, ain't it? I slept all the way to BCN on the bus, so all I can remember about it is Oscar complaining about me being asleep all the time and having no one to talk to at all.

I finally couldn't see JuanMa or anyone from this summer's job. It was a shame. I miss them. Hopefully JuanMa comes over this Xmas. It'll be like going back to summer, thought the 803 won't be complete.

I'm burning Chasing Amy. It's taking forever... It'd better be ok and ready to play when it's done or I'm gonna cut my veins. It is really getting on my nerves. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.. it should be done by now!!! I hate not understanding computer programs... Technologies are growing way too fast! Hold on, this is not about new technoligies is just about not being as dumb as I am right now!! I suck. Good night.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

walking around

It sux how all the ideas I come up with during the day blow away as soon as I get home and sit in front of the computer. Plus most of the times I'm way too uninspired to even think of something new and I end up writing nothing at all. I tried to write at least once a week, but as you can see, couldn't make it. It's alright tho.

I'm leaving to Barcelona on Friday morning, 6:30am to be precise. My friends Pictures of Shorelines are playing in a Hardcore-Punk festival there. "Tortillacore HC Fest" it's called. It'll be fun. I can't wait! I'm coming back on Saturday with Oscar and Nacho, the others are staying till Sunday. Hopefully JuanMa will come back to Madrid with me and stay a few days at home with us. And hopefully i'll get to see Olga, Ssu and Xavi too. They worked with me at the Beach Bar this summer. It was great fun with them. I wanna get out of Madrid, I need to. I'm getting tired of doing the same stuff every weekend. But I wont ever get tired of my friends. I've realize I could never do without them.

:: Sucede que me canso de mis pies y mis uñas
:: y mi pelo y mi sombra.
:: Sucede que me canso de ser hombre.

:: Sin embargo sería delicioso
:: asustar a un notario con un lirio cortado
:: o dar muerte a una monja con un golpe de oreja.
:: Sería bello
:: ir por las calles con un cuchillo verde
:: y dando gritos hasta morir de frío.

- Walking Around, Pablo Neruda -

Friday, December 5, 2003


It's 1:30am, I should be heading off to bed, but It's Thursday and Fridays are free so there's no need to worry about the time tonight. I'm getting kinda tired, but I'll sleep tomorrow, I dont feel like going to bed anyways. I still have to finish that java thing, but I'll do it tomorrow, I have till 12pm to do it. Long enough.

I'm feeling weird right now. Happy but at the same time sad, or maybe not sad, but nostalgic. About what? dont know.. I'll try to find out in bed, that's always a good place to think and inquire into deep feelings. But shit, I might know what's going on and what I am nostalgic about... I guess I just don't want to admit I have such feelings.. Like that Unsung Zero's song... It's funny how we sometimes think everything's under control, that we can handle absolutly everything that comes and goes and then we realize we're just being carried away by circumtances and trying to deal with them as best as we can.. I think I can't deal with this whole situation, or I might just don't want to deal with it the way I'm supossed to do it. But I'll just let it be and won't panic, for now.

I've looked at the 803 in my arm today and you can hardly see it. I thought about remarking it, but I'll see. I'll tell my sis first, she might want to do the same. It's amazing how much that simple number means. It's definitely not just a mark in my skin... It's kinda like a reminder of this summer, though there's no need to have one cause I doubt I'll ever forget a single thing. It might have not been that spectacular for others but the friendship I found in people I didnt expect it and the work and travelling-with-friends stuff was awsome, and for sure spectacular for me..

:: I know brown eyes get boring but I'll wear dark glasses all the time and hey, if you want me to, I'll take a knife to my own bright eyes ::

Thursday, December 4, 2003

lil david

Shit hell! It's been ages since I last wrote! I never seem to find the time to make a new entry..

It's been an awsome day today. I had fun at uni and went to visit my new lil' cousin, aunt and uncle. David was born Saturday morning. he's a real cutie. Like I knew he'd be. He's so small it seems he's gonna break every time you lift him up from the crib or even touch him. How defenseless kids are! How innocent too...

I've been trying to do the java stuff I have for friday but I gave up for tonight. dont feel like thinking much right now. I'm feeling lazy, and tired, hell tired. I haven't been sleeping much this last days. I never find the time to go to bed at night, so I always find it impossible to get up in the mornings, though I do anyways and feel "game over" at around 7-8 pm... to then be totally fresh and awake by 11pm and dont get sleepy till 1-2 am... fuck, I hate this thing of being a night creature. Hehe, don't get me serious, I actually love it.. I'm starting to talk nosense so I'll just stop and go to bed, or to do some stuff upstairs. Maybe play some Tetris on Game Boy. yeah, I know, I'm a freak, but fuck ya'll!! Kidding, bastards, don't get mad. Nite!!