Thursday, November 24, 2005

wanna get me a plane?

Mario and Serg are gone to L.A.
They left this morning and will be there till next thursday.
I wish i could've gone with them. They're gonna have a blast. And catch up some awesome shows.

I gotta do a lot of saving. There are 4 places i wanna go to really badly and tickets for 3 of them are stupidly expensive.

Listening: Valencia - The space between.
(The more I listen to this band, the happier I am about the preorder of the cd that i did when i hadnt even listened to a complete song of it, nor any other of the band)

childhood games

I've just seen this t-shirt at Busted Tees and it reminded me of how much i liked the Hungry Hungry Hippos. Probably my fave game as a kid, together with Guess Who?.

I wonder if i still have Hungry Hungry Hippos somewhere around the house. Im certain i still have Guess Who.
I'll look tonight after dinner.

Happy thanksgiving to all you guys in the States.
Have some pumpkin pie for me, with loads of whipped cream.

Listening: Fightstar - Lost like tears in rain.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

/* ... */

The worst thing about programming today has been commenting the code. What a boring task. I've written the same start of a sentence like a million times. Even the 30 minutes that i spent nuts cause neither the teacher nor me knew what the hell was wrong with a method that wasnt working properly were quite enterteining. And we sorted it out in the end.

So yeah, Im done with java and deadline isn't till monday.

Sunday, November 20, 2005


I wish i had someone i could cuddle with. That special someone that would make everything look better, even shitty ass days like today or last night. Someone i could count on every minute, someone who'd make me feel wanted, someone i could hang out with all the time, someone i'd buy candy for, and give calls, and for whom id burn mix cd's and paint bad drawings.

I really miss the feeling of loving someone so much. The feeling of a true hug and kiss.

Oh boy, im really having an emo day.

Listening: Busted - Meet you there.


My sis just got home saying a pair of nazis threatened two of her friends tonight only cause they were walking along the street with baggy pants and one had a button with a star on it. She and another friend were there when it happened but the brainless bastards didnt say a word to them.
Luckily the two boys are fine, under the circumstances, though one got punched in the face.

It makes me sick. These bald retarded arseholes.
And that fucking party and their disguised ultra-rigth-wing politics, which is just promoting the creation of new extremist groups.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

once again

How cool to get ready for nothing.
Oh yeah, there were plans for the night, apparently, and there still are, for others. I could simply make a call and be part of that plan but the fact that who's supposedly one of my best friends pretty much forgot i existed has really upset me and I dont feel like hanging out anymore.
Maybe i'm overreacting, sorry, but this is who i am. I like to feel important to those who are important to me.
But this is the last time. Im getting tired of the same shit all the time, every few months. I seriously hope i dont forget about this, cause it'd only end up in me believing, again, you really care.

This is not what friends do.

Listening: Just Surrender - Of all we've known.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

destination: anywhere but here

Coming back home has never been more depressing than last night. I've been away for just 3 days and its been enough for making me feel I dont belong here. It's London where i wanna be, where i should be. I loved the city, the people and the attitude.
We're light years away.
Punk and metal is huge there. Bands fill up venues two nights in a row with 6000 people. People that listen to the best music and that found out years ago that there's more punk than skate punk.
Set up a show in Madrid for Lagwagon and you'll have around 2000 people freaking out, bring Bullet For My Valentine and you'll have the city asking "Bullet what?". And that with heaps of awesome bands. As Oscar said, we're 10 years behind.
Im not saying I dont like punk-rock anymore, i still love Lagwagon and thousands of other old bands, i'm just saying there's a lot more out there, new bands that are doing an awesome job, and lots of people dont seem to realize that. Maybe Ritmo y Compás gets filled for Funeral For A Friend or Coheed and Cambria, maybe even Caracol, but compare that with Brixton Academy, Astoria or Mean Fiddler and it'll look like a damn joke. No wonder bands dont tour Spain, it's coming from playing for thousands of kids to just a few hundred, if even. And that'd be for FFAF or C&C, dont even think it'd be the same for Silverstein or Over It.

Anyway it's not only about shows, its about everything. There are Virgin stores with every damn CD all around the city, people with awesome clothes and haircuts and the best fucking clubs. We just went to Mean Fiddler but it was the best thing Ive seen and I had the best time ever. 5 pounds to go it that were really worth it. A club with my fave music, full of people like us, everyone dancing to Bullet for my valentine, Fall out boy, Atreyu... And on saturday also a show (Nightmare of you).
Try to open a place like that in Madrid and you'll go bankrupt. The reason? There's just a few people that would go over and very fewer that would pay to go in.

The simple thought of next friday going out around tribunal just makes this feeling of sadness and frustration worse. I only remember feeling like this when i got back from Canada years ago.
I wanna go back. To London. To Toronto. I wanna feel I fit in the way i felt it this weekend.
It only takes a 2 hour flight to see the shit we're stuck in. We definitely live in the wrong country.
I see things a lot clearer now, I'll move abroad eventually. As soon as I can. I like this place, the weather, the food and the people I have here but I want more.

About Taste of Chaos I'll say it was unbelievable. Probably the best gig I've been at. 6000 people going mad and bands giving all they have. It had nothing to do with what you can see here.
It cant get any better than Story Of The Year's show. The Used did great too, all the songs they played were good ones (I personally think they screwed up with the last album except a few songs that are amazing), despite i hadn't listened to Killswitch Engage much i really enjoyed their show too, Bleed the dream were a great surprise and FFAF were simply amazing. I missed Reggie and the full effect cause i was at the merch stand and My American Heart turned out not to be playing. The only disappointment of the night was Rise Against, one of the bands i was most looking forward to see. They played good but the setlist couldn't have been worse. Where was "Black masks & gasoline"? "Anywhere but here" was good, same as "blood-red, white and blue" but they could've save the rest cause they're, in my opinion, good songs for a longer set but definitely not what i expected for 6 songs.
Anyway, they're still one of my fave bands all time, and as I said the rest of the bands were smashing, including every setlist.

Seriously, I wanna go back. To London or in time. What a fun a trip. It's been a blast. Everything ruled, the city, the shows and the people I went with.

Best phrase award goes to: "Jo tio, ya son las dos.. ah no! que es que lo tengo en pesetas" (Oscar)
Also, seeing Maldo, Oscar and Arturo singing "Brotheeer, broootheeeer..." like a gospel choir and making up lyrics to one of the songs of Son of Dork was one of the funniest things ive seen in a long time.

"Eeeeeeextrañaaaa, la raaazooon...."

Listening: Bullet For My Valentine - Hit the floor.

Friday, November 11, 2005

off we go!

I missed the Backstreet Boys' show on Wednesday. Damn damn damn. I wouldve loved to see them one more time. Palo said it rocked and that Oscar sang along to EVERY song, even the new ones. Maybe they tour Spain again?

Anyway, I'm off to London in a few hours to see:
Funeral For A Friend.
Rise Against.
Story of the Year.
The Used.
My American Heart.
Bleed the Dream.
Killswitch Engage.


Enjoy the weekend. I sure will.

Listening: Matchbook Romance - Promise.

smelly cat

My latest hobby: making rag dolls.

Tuesday, November 8, 2005


I could spend hours under a hot shower.
I've completly forgot the nice feeling of a cold shower in a warm summer day. Go away cold water.

The dishwasher is broken. Ouch. Doing the dishes ain't much fun.

Ashton show in 2 days. London on Friday. Yoohoo.

Listening: 3 Doors Down - Away from the sun.

Saturday, November 5, 2005


If only every human being had a brain...

What happened tonight at the bus couldnt be more shameful. Actually is pretty much the same every weekend, but the fact that the driver stoped the bus to call the cops made things worse than usual. After the cops left and he started going again the retarded assholes sitting on the back started screaming "asshole driver oeoeoe, asshole driver oeoeoe" without ceasing hitting the windows and singing stupid songs as they'd been doing all the way from Moncloa.

Apart from that the night was great. I took the last bus cause it was being a blast and Mario asked me to stay. That kid is the only one with the ability to keep me from going home early. And tonight, staying was the least I could do. I'll miss his birthday party next weekend and he's one of my very best friends.
I hope good news from EMI come soon. Fingers crossed.

Listening: El Canto del Loco - Una foto en blanco y negro.

Thursday, November 3, 2005


Hey boy, everytime we talk i feel super happy.
Those voice messages where really sweet. :)

I'll pick you up on saturday at 8 and I'll hug you while we watch the lion king.

Listening: Kelly Clarkson - Since U been gone.

Wednesday, November 2, 2005


Seems like you've taken the trouble of writing your name everywhere i am to go to so that i don't give thought to anything other than you, you and you.
I saw it everywhere around Lisbon.

But I dont really need those stupid letters reminding me of you.

Guess what though? Sunsets make me forget about absolutly everything. Including you, your name and your words. So from now on that's all im gonna stare at and think of.

This is the new happy me not caring about you.


Tuesday, November 1, 2005

hakuna matata

Back from Lisbon.
It rained, as said it would, but it hasnt been half as bad as it was supposed to be.
Sleeping has been pretty cheap (12.5 € per night) and eating hasnt been expensive either.
The best, probably last night. Porto, poker and candy. Pablo and Ana took the skittles i was saving and gave me their orange ones instead, but i got some back in the end so it wasnt that bad. Hehe. Playing poker was a blast, a bit of a joke as Ana and I hadnt play before and what we all really wanted to do was drink up the wine.

En serio, vaya viaje, y vaya noche la de ayer. Frases memorables y risas q han acabado en unas serias agujetas.
Y vaya vuelta de escalofríos en el coche. Ismael Serrano me pone la piel de gallina.
Y tambien canciones del rey león. Hemos planeando un maratón disney para el finde, con poker y más vino.

Me da la impresion de que llevo fuera más de 3 días. Y de q me he perdido muchas cosas. Seguramente porq en realidad han sido más de tres días. Pero este finde se acaba el no salir. Hay un niño a quien tirar de las orejas y dar un abrazo enorme. Que bien haber hablado ahora contigo. Te he echado de menos! Van ya muchos días.

Listening: Canteca de Macao - Los hijos del hambre no tienen mañana.