Saturday, October 29, 2005


Going on a trip tomorrow with Palo, Ana and Pablo. The plan is staying in Merida tomorrow night and heading to Lisbon in the morning, till Tuesday. If the weather keeps being this shitty we might change the destination. We'll see. It's gonna be fun for sure, no matter where we wind up in the end.

Go to see Corspe Bride. Another awesome movie from Mr Burton. That guy is just too good.

Happy Hallowe'en everyone.

Friday, October 28, 2005

before you kill your idols kiss them goodnight

After listening to the same song more than 5 times i realized i had iTunes on "repeat one" mode.
And after going insane for 20 minutes wondering why i couldnt import a class that i thought was included in the version of Java that i have, i found out it's only on the newest version.

I need more sleep.

(Title totally unreleated to post)

Listening: A Static Lullaby - Lipgloss and letdown.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


What ive been feeling like as of late is moving out to a small apartment with a cool design, and buying a cat. The thing is that i've never liked cats, ive always found them unfriendly but i want a cat living with me in my apartment. And a PS2.
Anyway, the ps2 will come a lot sooner than the aparment or the cat. Probably very soon. Christmas the latest.

I think im getting a cold.

Happy birthday Harek.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

"how fucking awesome that you lose patients in here!!"

Things i've learned today:
- When im really worried, if something pisses me off, i tend to be rude.
- Hospitals give me the creeps.

After 45 minutes stuck in a traffic jam to go into Plaza Norte for the guys show, getting there late and missing most of the songs, driving Oscar and Palo to Tribunal, which took us well over an hour, again because of the damn traffic and stupid repairs, I decided i was coming back home, leaving the car here and heading off to the other show i was supposed to go to.
But as soon as i got in, the phone rang. A call from the hospital saying my sister was in the emergency room. Holy shit how bad i panicked.
When i got to the hospital with my parents they wouldnt tell us what she had cause they didnt even know where she was. They kept us going from one place to another. At last we got to see 2 of her friends who told us she was fine, and then got to see her. Exactly, she was alright. Just had a gash in her head and had 4 stitches. But i can tell you the time since i got the call till i saw her was awful.
I guess i tend to panic easily and worry too much, specially when its people i love being injured or sick.
On the way home my sis said she didnt want them to call my parents cause she knew they were gonna freak out and worry like mad, she wanted the hospital to call me instead. Like i was gonna be more rational and take it better, no panic, no overreacting..
Im glad they didnt and called home. Despite i took the call, cause parents were here to drive. I was shaking.

Friday, October 21, 2005

shows and kangaroos

There was a time when i'd go to a show and know half of the people, and the other half would at least look familiar, since we were pretty much the same people going to shows all the time. Now i go to shows and they're full of new faces. "New generations" we called them last night (and by we i mean Reyes and I, who have been going to shows for years now). The funny thing is that they're not really new generations, i mean, 16 year old kids starting to dig punk and go to shows. Of course there were a few of those last night, (oh well, 18 year old or with fake IDs as this stupid law wont let in a venue anyone under 18) and a lot more at the P.O.S. farewell show, but there were also a lot of guys well in their twenties. The thing is, where have all these guys been? Anyway, as long as we have people going to shows and supporting bands (whether local or not) we'll be alright.

About last night all i can say is that i had an awesome time. I finally got to see Avenues and Silhouettes, which i loved, and had a great conversation with Oscar while we waited outside for Break the Silence to go on stage.

Talking about shows:
Saturday 22sd, 19:00. Everlyn @ FNAC Plaza Norte II.
Saturday 22sd, 22:00. Strength Approach + Dose + My Left Foot @ Barracudas.

Now, on different news. I got the package from Liam, at last. He sent a cute kangaroo figure and a Something For Kate cd. And he called on wednsday and i eventually got to talk to him. Yay. <3

Something For Kate - Whatever you want.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

i never thought this'd happen but i like The OC

My weekend's so far consisted of a total non-activity. All ive done today has been watching The OC curled up in bed. And by all i've done I mean all i've done. 16 episodes, mostly all in a row, you can get an idea. And yesterday was pretty much the same except I got a visit from a friend, went out for dinner with another friend (who is totally responsible for my new addiction for bringing home the DVDs), and started with the show at late night. Till 6:30 am.
I think im gonna go for the 3 episodes i have left of first season.

What's most pathetic about a plan like this for a whole weekend alone at home is that lately this is all i feel like doing.
Let it be OC on tv or a good movie.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Dont say stuff just cause you think is the right thing to do. If you're not gonna call don't say you will. Cut the shit. It's a fact we're not in love anymore.
Dont say im too obvious cause you don't fucking know me. Although, I might be.
Dont take me for granted.
What does it take to win a heart?
I want more of his hugs.
There are too many things I dont understand. Like why things change overnight.
Sometimes you get tired of waiting. And one of your best friends disappoints you badly.
Im sorry that im late. It might be all my fault.
Loving him is nothing new. I've just, recently, stopped lying to myself.
I dont know what i should do.
This is not about who you think.
Rain is the suck.

Listening: Pretty Girls Make Graves - All medicated geniuses.

otros días vendrán

- Sabes quienes eran los lotófagos? Eran los habitantes de unas islas que comían flores de loto para olvidar.
Good movie. Trailer.

Sunday, October 9, 2005

about today

It's been a good day. Had its ups and lows tho.
Paintball was fun, but getting home was sucky. Actually, rather than getting home was the fact of being here with nothing to do at all and starting to think, regret, and feel bad. Anyway i did the best thing i could. Went to Ana's. Talking to her for a few hours really cheered me up.
Having a car is awesome. Actually, having friends like her to visit is what's awesome.

Listening: Coheed and Cambria - Wake up.
I'm going to ride this plane out of your life again.
I wish that I could've stayed but you argued.
More than this I wish you could've seen my face
In the backseat staring out the window.

I'll do anything for you,
Kill anyone for you.

So leave yourself intact
'Cause I will be coming back.
In a phrase to cut these lips,
I love you.


Last night was really good. I laughed like i hadnt in weeks thanx to that stupid phrase of an unknown guy.
Karol, Alba and I kept saying "mono loco!!" for hours.
I wanted to get home early, but i ended up staying longer and im glad i did. The time at that bar we went to, La Ofrenda I think was called, was awesome. More laughs, and pictures. Funny as hell.

And today more awesome times. Iberian Cup with Niñatoz ruled. I really had a good time. Loved the game. It had nothing to do with what i'd seen before, that was just those lousy games i played with the guys from work or friends from holidays last summer. Oh boy, and I thought THAT was paintball...
Can't wait for the next time. If im invited to go, i'll definitely be there again.

Btw, parents leaving from wednesday to sunday. Everyone, feel free to pay a visit.
Bring movies and ice cream and i'll love you forever. Or just stop by, i'll love you the same.

"Las cosas de palacio siempre van despacio" Que niña mas adorable! <3

Listening: Everlyn - Blessed.

Friday, October 7, 2005


If you ever plan on buying candy for a friend make sure you dont end up with half the bag left.
I've been eating sugus non stop all day.

Wednesday, October 5, 2005

skipping seasons

It's getting cold at night, which means winter is almost here. Yeah, winter in October. There's no such thing as fall in Madrid. Ok, maybe there is, but only for about two weeks. The official 3 months season is all a lie. It gets from hot to frigging cold in a blink. And frigging cold for me is winter, no matter what they say on TV.
In the next few weeks we'll start with shitty weather. Rain and grey days. Eww. Well needed rain that i still find really annoying. Unless im comfy at home, curled up on the couch or bed watching a movie or listening to music, wearing my huge maple leafs jersey and warm socks.

School started on monday. The teachers i got to meet seem nice, specially the one for Circuits and Systems. Im excited about college this year.
Im gonna go for it. All of it. For real.

I missed a call from Liam again. :(
I gotta stop leaving my cell on silent mode.

Listening: Ashton - Permanece

Saturday, October 1, 2005

elaborated sin aditivos

The plastic bracelet you gave me broke last night, but im keeping it broken. Ok, im not completly positive its the one i got from you cause they all look the same, but what the hell.

Anyway, last night wont be remembered as the night your bracelet broke. Obviously.
Last night might not even be remembered at all throughout the years, but it surely was a great night. A night that started with an awesome conversation with Liam, continued with a cool show and a great time hanging out with friends and meeting people i didnt expect to see. Like Nacho from uni.
Laughs, friends and cotton candy. We should repeat tonight, but i think the plan is going to tribunal. Im gonna miss the cotton candy.

Sister's birthday is tomorrow. How the hell is she turning 17?? It seems as she was 14 last week.

Listening: The Juliana Theory - We make the road by walking.

gotta love the aussie.

"u know what?
no matter how many times ive been taken
ur the only girl i ever want to see all the time.
like, the only girl in the whole world.....
coz ur my buddy susa and ur awesome"
Thank you so much for that. And the rest of things and plans.
Lets start digging. Meeting point: Earth's center.

Listening: 3 Doors Down - Kryptonite