Sunday, April 15, 2007


Happy birthday to you, old man. (<3)
Happy birthday to your blog too.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

back and boring

Im back from the beach. Despite the weather wasnt too good and we hardly got any sun untill saturday when it was time to leave, it was a fun week. Lots of skating and ice creams and walks with the family.
And im back to hockey too. So far, yesterday was the best day. I can't wait for friday. My right elbow is super sore cause i fell on it last night and stupid me wasnt wearing elbow pads, but all i wanna do is play again.

It seems hockey is all i talk about now, and there's actually one thing a lot more important that i have in mind almost constantly, but it's something im not ready to assume yet.
So sorry if this has turned into a boring blog (if it ever wasnt), but right now im not too inspired.
Life is not being too nice.