Sunday, January 28, 2007

fact vs fiction

She said "nice castle" referring to a trailer. *

Now, he called my small car "limo". My cute chevrolet kalos comparad to a big white shiny limo. And not in a sarcastic way.
He was cute like that. He was cute like that when he was on top of me and i was, well.. not wearing many clothes.
He was cute the night before this situation turned absurd.

* Yes, lately im a bit too obssesed with a tv show, but i really dont mind. It's making me feel good, and no, you'd never understand why.

Listening: Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Disconnected.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

guts vs patience

You wait and wait.
And get tired of waiting.

And you forget, but not without thinking about it every now and then.
Between theorems.

I wanted things to work. I think I still do.

Listening: Fall Out Boy - Thriller.


Fall Out Boy's new cd is already on the net and I downloaded it last night.
It just reaffirmed me that pre ordering a copy was well worth it.
Yes, pre ordering. I got the music and im still paying for a copy of the cd.
Anyway, i wont get started about piracy. (which, for the record, i totally aprove and support)

Listening: Fall Out Boy - The (after) life of the party.
I'm a stitch away
From making it
And a scar away
From falling apart.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

grey's anatomy

Lately I've been feeling like Meredith Grey. Without the hotness and the medical degree.
The Meredith that said "pick me", not the one at the begining of third season.

I wont quote lines.

Listening: The Fray - How to save a life.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

the loot!

Apparently this past year i've been a very very good girl. My sister too.
Due to all the presents we got this christmas I cant think otherwise.
Everyone knows you gotta be good to get stuff from the three wise men. (Screw Santa)
Personally, i got what i asked for and more, which is, like always, more than i deserve:
- Snowboard helmet.
- Bag for snowboard.
- Grey's Anatomy second season on DVD.
- Hair straightener.
- New Super Mario Bros (Nintendo DS)
- Tetris DS (Nintendo DS)
- Woolen sweater. (From littlesister)
- T-shirt. (Same)
- Sushi para principiantes, by Marian Keyes. (Same)
- iPod portable speakers.
- Card reader with bluetooth.
- Short sleeve rashguard.
- CSI computer game.
- Mandalas coloring book.
- Pj pants (that i just bought today).
- Plus Pocoyo (from grandparents).
- 2 books i got myself: A scanner darkly (english version), by Philip K. Dick and Hijos de hombres, by P.D. James.

Also, instead of getting 4 single presents from the kind of "secret santa" thing we do in our family, my parents, sister and I got a portable DVD player. Really neat.
As i said, more than awesome stuff.

Friday, January 5, 2007

christmas presents

I claim myself to be the worst gift wrapper in the world.
Good thing is that its what's inside the multicolored paper that counts...

Im excited for the 6th. Like a little girl. Like every year.