Thursday, January 29, 2004


I hate exams. It's a fact. I can't wait to finish.

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

make a wish

Shooting stars never worked for me. Well, they did once. Once out of a million times so I guess I'm in total right to say they never worked. And about that thing they say of never losing hope. It's bullshit. I've lost it a few times already. Got it back tho. One time I lost it was actually because of those not-working stars I'm talking about. It doesn't feel to good to be the only person on Earth whose whises-upon-a-star never come true. Cause I gotta be the only one. Otherwise the rest of the humanity wouldn't put so much faith on that bright little things above. or would they? We're all aware of human stupidity.. and it seems we, humans, are getting worse throught the years.. "Let's all support a war against terror, let's all put on TV to see a bunch of brainless living (acting) together in a house (damn Big Brother), let's all forget about the monopoly of the rich, let's all lose our personality and let's all, of course, be nothing else than part of the mass..." I definitely love (hate) all this. Brainwasheds and brainwhasers make me sick. (Am I making up words?)

More about never-coming-true-wishes coming soon (maybe)

:: Is real investigative reporting dead?
:: Of course, but keep watching your CNN
:: The glitz, the glamor, all jokes aside
:: If a sponsor pays enough,
:: they'd turn a blind eye on third world genicide
:: "Bro, don't get heavy, the bills are paid!"
:: Twice a week (missionary style) we all get laid
:: Middle management goes first, your out on your ass
:: Most ignorance is bred at home
:: Good Christian families? then why condone
:: Petty hatred of anything different or new
:: The fat girl hung her-self in June
:: ... ... ...

- Maybe you've been brainwashed too, New Radicals -

Friday, January 9, 2004


Have you notice how can I not write for ages and then some week post random stuff almost everyday? I've noticed. Dont have a logical explanation to that but I've noticed. hehe.

Lately things have been working out pretty good. I can't complain about anything. Well, yeah, I can start by saying how unfair this world in which we live in is, and how nosense are most (or all) of wars, how hypocrite some people are, how much I hate the spanish fucking president, and a list of things that could go on and on forever, but I mean I can't really complain about my personal life. It'd be way better if I could actually go (for real) to Sunset Fiction's show tomorrow in Pasadena (California) and meet Eric, but oh well.. Maybe soon. Yeah, hopefully soon. He's a great guy, a real cutie.

Song of the day:

:: Just say... Say you will follow me, follow me
:: Invite me to your memory
:: Just sing... Sing again for me, for me
:: That long forgotten song

- Synesthesia, AFI -

Thursday, January 8, 2004


" The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? "

Taken from