Friday, July 21, 2006

sniff sniff

The boy is gone. Im sad.
No cuddling. No kissing.

I thought about quiting job yesterday but after a long walk on the beach in empuriabrava, a huge ice cream and music i decided i should hold on. Afterall the days at the beach bar ain't bad and i need the money if i wanna travel this year.

Anyway, visits are welcome. Time's passing way too slow.

Friday, July 7, 2006


Im at Las Dunas, in my room enjoying the freedom of wireless technologies in my beloved laptop. Not only i can get online wherever around the campsite i want (that includes by the beach) but i can also do it for a lot more reasonable price than 15 minutes for like 2 euros.

Things have been pretty shitty so far and i feel kinda lonely. Im working 3 days at the beach bar and 3 at the mini golf bar and the minigolf is boring as hell. Im sleeping on top in the room's bunk bed, with the risk it involves of falling while trying to go down, which, by the way, already almost happened. My boss at the mini golf is a bitch, and i've been there all week. And Xicu, Miguel, Lejow, JP and other friends from previous years aren't here and they're really missed.
On the brighter side: im starting at the beach bar on sunday, the new people ive met seem pretty awesome (one of them works with me at the minigolf) and Mo is here, which means kissing and cuddling.

I guess its time to leave. Its incredibly hot in here, and i need food. Or ice cream.

Sunday, July 2, 2006

m'en vaig a la platja

My procrastination this last week reached unknown levels to my persona. Never before had i put off blogging, but this week i was even too lazy to type entries i kept writing in paper whenever inspiration struk me. Usually when i was supposed to be thinking about maths and exams rather than anything else.
At last i took some time to sit in front on the laptop and write but i just feel like posting a few lines about last night, which was simply perfect. It started great and finished great. We got the fire running pretty fast and, except for some more coal we had to add close to the end, it was enough for all the food we had.
Nice food, and by far, nicer company.
Thank you everyone for coming, i had an awesome time. I hope everyone enjoyed themselfs too.
Also, thank you for the birthday gifts.
You're all gonna be missed. Seriously. Us trobare a faltar. Molt.

UPDATE - Weez, thank you so much for the AFI figures. They're amazing.