Sunday, May 16, 2004


Name Four Things That You Wish You Had:
- a skittles' machine in my bedroom
- a plane (and a pilot)
- endless money (cause I already have all that money can't buy)
- good marks on june exams

Name Four Scents You Love:
- the smell after ir rains (wet ground!!)
- nice parfum
- heart-shaped lollipops
- bodymilk

Name Four People You Know Best:
- Ana
- Palo
- Cris
- Nacho

Name Four Things You'd Never Wear:
- nautical shoes
- golden bracelet
- ballet leggings
- a shirt of a band I don’t like

Name Four Things You Are Thinking About:
- stop talking to me!!
- I really have to study...
- I'm tired!!
- mmm, this cheerios were good..!

Name Four Things You Did Today:
- Studied for a while
- tryed to tidy up my room
- went to my lil cousin's B-day
- met some friends

Name Four Artists/Albums Most People Don't Know You Like:
- Simon and Garfunkel
- Backstreet Boys
- Ismael Serrano
- El canto del loco

- hair: short, colored red
- height: no a clue. Small, tho
- favorite feature: mmm..... let me think..... dont know.

- current clothing: Dickies black pants, yellow vans t-shirt.
- music: Sick of Change
- makeup: not really. just once in a while i'd say
- body art: 2 tattoos (are piercings body art? in that case, one)
- shoes: skateshoes

- did: finished a bowl of cheerios
- read: Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets
- watched on tv: 20 minutes of the movie "Never been kissed"

- club or house party: house party
- tea or coffee: coffee
- high achiever or easy-going: easy-going
- cats or dogs: dogs
- pen or pencil: pen
- gloves or mittens: gloves
- cassette or cd: cd
- snuff or cigarettes: none
- coke or pepsi: coke
- matches or a lighter: lighter
- sunset beach or the bold and the beautiful: ¿ ?

- kill: some politicians (tho i wouldnt kill anyone)
- hear from: people who I haven't seen in a long time or live far
- look like: my sister!! (just kidding, it's a joke we had tonight..) No one in particular, just me.
- be like: me myself

- food: pasta, all kinds
- drink: coke
- color: black and pink (yellow, purple, blue, red...)
- shoes: skateshoes
- site: there are more than one
- song: same answer as above
- vegetable: can it be vegetable stew??
- fruit: Strawberry, pineapple, watermelon...

- last movie you saw: Brother Bear
- last movie you saw on the big screen: Big Fish
- last thing you had to drink: water
- last thing you ate: cheerios
- last time you cried: yesterday
- last time you smiled: half an hour ago
- last time you laughed: half an hour ago too
- last time you danced: cant remember
- last person you hugged: Nacho
- last thing you said: I have to finisht it before wednesday
- last person you talked to online: Alex
- last thing you smelled: milk

DO YOU...?
- smoke: nope
- sleep with a stuffie: not anymore
- have a dream that keeps coming back: nope
- believe there is life on other planets: completly
- read the newspaper: yeah, the one they give on the train I take to class
- have any gay or lesbian friends: yup
- believe it's possible to remain faithful forever: not really
- consider yourself tolerant of others: yeah
- consider police a friend or foe: foe most of times (ley antibotellon... :-s)
- like the taste of alcohol: depends of what kind of alcohol it is
- have a favorite Stooge: nope
- believe in astrology: no
- believe in magic: no. starting to.. this Harry Potter guy is making me think.. hehe. No, really, I don't
- pray: never
- go to church: nope
- have any secrets: yes
- have any pets: no
- go to or plan to go to college: I'm in college
- have a degree: not yet
- wear hats: I wish I could find one my size! They're all too big and look bad on me!
- have any piercings: yeah, one.
- have any tattoos: 2 stars
- hate yourself: NO
- wish on stars: yes... *sigh*
- like your handwriting: yep, it's ok.
- believe in witches: not in the ones with magic powers and broomsticks...
- believe in Satan: no
- believe in ghosts: no
- trust others easily: yeah (big problem sometimes)
- like sarcasm: sometimes
- take walks in the rain: no, I hate being outside when it's raining.
- kiss with your eyes closed: hell yes
- sing in the shower: dont use to


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