Friday, April 29, 2005

in fourier we trust

Nice weather, the blible in my backpack and a lot of good intentions.
But no sunglasses. And it's no excuse.
I last around 15 mintues with the book open. Gave up before i went blind.

Maybe tomorrow. Or next week.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

distance only makes the heart grow fonder?

I'm starting to question where's this gonna lead to.
If it's just on a losing streak.
It's come to a point i've never been at and i'm scared shitless.

Neither i wanted calls as a matter of course nor breaking the routine with silence. Or unsubtancial sms postponing the talks.

Neither i want to be negative. Or feel im losing the thrill.

Poison the Well could never be more wrong.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

damn titles

Cool productive monday i had. Studied, went boring-shopping with my mom (food mostly) which was quite fun, got me a DVD, had driving class, watched CSI, got online for 20 minutes, talked on the phone, studied for another while and won a race on NFSU.

On the way home, that song John and my sis kept singing all summer was on the radio. It made me think a lot about those days with Mark and John at the beach. It was great times.
They're one of the things im gonna miss the most about not going to Las Dunas this year.
It was weird how the first night we met we got along so well, and talked about so many cool things.
It was wicked cool that night talking english-english, like really fast and slang shit, so nobody understood us. And nobody did.
I remember John saying: "so, how would you say that in canadian? talk canadian, please!!". LOL

I'm downloading fonts. I gotta stick/paint something on the new hoodie. Still dont know what i wanna get, but i'll make up my mind soon. If they had a logo it'd be easier. Id simply get that.

I'm getting tired. Gonna check if there's any interesting cd's at mocosoft and i'm off to class.

Friday, April 22, 2005


Fridays shouldn't start coughing, with a headache and high temperature (corporal, nice weather is always welcome). Any day really should start such way unless it's an official "i-need-to-skip-school" day, which is not.
Anyway, I'm kinda feeling better than this morning at 8 and I'm wearing the Rise Against t-shirt i ordered at interpunk that arrived yesterday, so things ain't really that bad.

It's been funny this morning with my dad. We were having breakfast and talking about his weekend (he's going to a few jazz shows with Ana's parents) and he said: "you know if Cris' dad likes Jazz? he probably does" Mine and cris' family are really the same. Only diference is that there's a younger brother instead of a sister and they have a dog. So I go and say "you know what? we need a dog" and my dad says "well, maybe he doesn't like jazz, no.." Bastard. :-) I want a dog! (just read what i've written and its not really that funny, specially out of context, but wtf, it was cool for me, so fuck it.)
I feel like a kid everytime i say that, but i trully want one. a cool black or golden lab. I even have a name for it. She'll be a girl, and i'll name her Kira. (susa feeling 8 years old..)

There are 2 guys coding in the comp next too mine. They sound really freaky. Nice. And talking about freakys, it's CUPCAM soon. That's a programming contest for university students in Madrid, so it's gonna be FULL of freaks. Alez being on of them.

Just reached my D.I.D. (Daily Internet Dose). I'm heading off to class.

Enjoy the weekend.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

the girl, the facts

  • Tequila gets me drunk easily.
  • Today's gonna be a long day.
  • I get super jealous everytime he mentions her.
  • Kebap is my fave food for saturday nights.
  • I'm counting down the days for Deconstruction 2005.
  • My current music addictions are: Rise against and April Sixth song Dear Angel.
  • I gotta see that pictures. Can't wait.
  • My sister said: stop singing, you're fucking up the song.
  • I'm on level 39 on NFSU. Which means I have pink neon and paint. 3 style stars. And a fast car.
  • That dream last friday night was great.
  • I have class in about 5 minutes.
  • I'm off.
  • Happy tuesday.

Friday, April 15, 2005

cold inside. and outside. and every-fucking-where

Fun fun fun at the computer lab. 2 windows are open and a few guys' been trying to close them. None of them succeeded, but it's funny seeing them on the table, trying to reach the damn window handle, while friends encourage them and laugh.
"Cool, now step on the comp case and turn the handle!!"

I started wednesday with the driving classes. I love it. It's real fun. I can't wait for the next class on Monday. The teacher was busy this afternoon so couldnt take me, but it's ok, i might go with my dad and the new car.
The black Chevrolet Kalos (<3) is already home. Apparently everyone in my family but me knew it'd be ready for yesterday. It was a great surprise. And a cool date to get it.
14th April.

Went out last night with Palo. She picked me up and we went to Malkavian. I got vanilla milkshake for a change... (seriosly, why is it that i ALWAYS ask for that?). The driving teacher she had is the same one i have now. Cool cool. She said he's good. He's nice, that for sure.

I'm off. Coffee time with Mercedes and Elena.
There are 3 windows open now.

P.S. I love you Karol, that sms really touched me. :-)

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

as i said

... here's the black-pink babe.

Monday, April 11, 2005

is love worth dying for?

Saturday night at Juli's party, Mario put on Strung Out's new cd. I had to download it last night. I'm listening to one of the songs he told me to listen to carefully, Swan Dive. I love it. Heard it at the party and liked it, but now, hearing the lyrics too, it just got better.
"I think about you every now and then, more now than I ever did when you were down".
Ever time I smell pop-corn I think about you.
This still feels unreal. Like a bad nightmare.

Palo got her driving license last night, so: congrats, bitch!! We should go out to Malkavian tonight to get some milkshake and talk about guys and random stuff like everytime we go there. I'll give the girls a call tonight. Cris should come too. I haven't seen her in forever.

I'm at a loss of what else to say, so just one last thing.
Check this guys out. The Real You. They're amazing. I can't get enough of them.
I'm buying a plane and going over for the next show.

Friday, April 8, 2005

civic inside

"Maybe I'll take a car and paint it "strawberry cheesecake"-style for you."
Well, not strawberry cheescake, but this is way better. Black and pink. I love it.
Gotta be the coolest car in the world. Thanx Nach!
Pictures coming soon. /grins

PS. Feeder are playing on my birthday. 1st June, Arena (Madrid).

Tuesday, April 5, 2005

Los Angeles

My new year's resolutions (starting in april, yes):
  • Get at least 5 hours of sleep (tiredness is my biggest enemy in class. closely followed by triple integrals).
  • Have breakfast every morning (weekends can be excluded).
I think that's about it.

I've been talking to Hugo about going to LA this summer. The plan's staying there for a month, renting a room or something and working, with his aunt probably. I dont think we'd be able to get anything else. Anyways, things aren't looking too good. I haven't seen him too convinced about it, it's a lot of money.. And to be honest, the job thing is pretty difficult, and the only way we can stay that long.
But i really really wanna go. And i'm really really gonna try to go. Even if it's just for 2 weeks, and on my own.
If anyone can help i'd really appreciate it. I'm gonna start looking for rooms to rent for the end of june-july, but i'm pretty much lost. I've been cheking some sites and found a few places that are alright, but i cannot contact the owner unless i register on the site, which involves paying around 50 dollars. :-/
Anywhere near LA would be fine. Burbank, Pasadena, Glendale, Chino Hills, El Monte...

happy birthday!!

I wish i were there to at least give you a happy birthday kiss (and keep you awake all night).
Have an awsome day, yellow boy.