Wednesday, March 31, 2004

eyes burning

I'm again at one of the computer labs from uni. I've been here this morning. Didn't feel like going to the math class. I know I should stop skipping classes, June is closer than it seems, but I have too many things in mind at the moment. I can't find any concentration for studying at all. Sucks.

Things haven't been working out too good lately. It's like all's falling to pieces. I'm pretty sad about it. And nostalgic too. It's been good times. I don't wanna think it's the end tho. I'm not sure that I exactly know what I want. I dont even know if I have to let it be and see how things turn out or take some decisions. Hard ones. How would I know if I'm or not doing the right thing? I guess that's one of the risks I have to take. I'm just way too scared.

I need a hug. Insert one here: .Thanks.

Sometimes I really want to dissapear. Enough thinking for today. I'm switching off my batteries. Doh.

Tuesday, March 30, 2004


... is more than just a color. Period.

Saturday, March 20, 2004

winds of change

PSOE won the election on sunday which is great news. We won't have the people from PP fucking up everything they touch for at least 4 years. Fucking liars, manipulators, fascists, etc. they've been for 8 years... But, hey, the nightmare's over.

Last weekend the band practice sucked, completly. We sounded like shit. We went on thursday to Javi's place and it wasn't bad. We'll see tomorrow if we're getting any better.

I have no plan for tonight. I can go out like always and meet everyone at malasaña but I feel like doing something different. I'll call someone to go to the movies. I wanna see BIG FISH. I've heard its good. And if there's no one up for a movie I'll study till it's time to go... boring.
I saw my cousins yesterday. They're sooo cute! David is really big and Marina is starting to talk lots tho it's hard to understand her. I'll take Diego to see Spiderman 2 when it's out.

Btw, Thrice concert ruled!!

:: still recorded were the words that dribbled out his kiss
:: when eyes go blind in this man of what could once become
:: sever the limbs off his torso in sleep
:: and burn what remains so the world may now see
:: no longer...will we wait for your answers
:: back to the hell where you've come from
:: think of all the times you've once had
:: write them in a letter that says goodbye

- Three Evils (Embodied In Love And Shadow), Coheed and Cambria -

Thursday, March 11, 2004


There's been awful attacks today in Madrid
201 dead + 1600 wounded. That's all I can say. I have no words.