Friday, April 22, 2005


Fridays shouldn't start coughing, with a headache and high temperature (corporal, nice weather is always welcome). Any day really should start such way unless it's an official "i-need-to-skip-school" day, which is not.
Anyway, I'm kinda feeling better than this morning at 8 and I'm wearing the Rise Against t-shirt i ordered at interpunk that arrived yesterday, so things ain't really that bad.

It's been funny this morning with my dad. We were having breakfast and talking about his weekend (he's going to a few jazz shows with Ana's parents) and he said: "you know if Cris' dad likes Jazz? he probably does" Mine and cris' family are really the same. Only diference is that there's a younger brother instead of a sister and they have a dog. So I go and say "you know what? we need a dog" and my dad says "well, maybe he doesn't like jazz, no.." Bastard. :-) I want a dog! (just read what i've written and its not really that funny, specially out of context, but wtf, it was cool for me, so fuck it.)
I feel like a kid everytime i say that, but i trully want one. a cool black or golden lab. I even have a name for it. She'll be a girl, and i'll name her Kira. (susa feeling 8 years old..)

There are 2 guys coding in the comp next too mine. They sound really freaky. Nice. And talking about freakys, it's CUPCAM soon. That's a programming contest for university students in Madrid, so it's gonna be FULL of freaks. Alez being on of them.

Just reached my D.I.D. (Daily Internet Dose). I'm heading off to class.

Enjoy the weekend.


At 2:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ponte wena yogurina! Besines!

At 3:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to contradict you, but not only friday is the most usual day for getting ill; it's also the most usual day for a car accident or wreckage, or a nice row with your significant other. Murphy knows its ways. It's the day when there's probably NOTHING you can do to prevent everything to fuck your weekend. At least in my experience, your car ALWAYS gets pwned on fridays. Sucker.

About dogs and stuff... I know what you feel. I've got a dog which I LOVE (his name is "robi"). He lives with my parents now and he's absolutely the opposite from a pedigree dog; I don't even know what race he is, at all. But he's absolutely lovely. He's got some behaviours I've never seen from a dog (and he's my second), like some kind of "smiling", and the way he welcomes you when you go visit. But... hard as it seems, it's a real pain in the ass to have a dog if you live in a flat. It means walking him three times a day at least, and picking up his poo-poo. Moreover, when he gets old everything gets more difficult; and when he gets old, it's really painful to begin assumig he'll pass away any day. Robi is almost fourteen right now, and he's losing his hearing and sight by leaps and bounds. He's got real problems to do "his stuff" on the street, and he's getting a lot more apathic. And it's really saddening...

So, all in all... I know why you want a dog. I really do. I've had two, and loved then to no end. But I can tell you, they can be really a pain, and bidding them farewell is really painful... I love robi and I assume one of these days he'll be no longer with us, and even though he's an animal, I'll miss him and his nuances a real lot. I don't want to have any more dogs.

Well.. enough of this. If you want I'll send you a pic of my dog. Lovely :)

I've just finished the first stage of my birthday party. Everything went great. Tomorrow is part two with different people. This is going to be a hard weekend :-)


At 7:41 PM, Blogger susiluz said...

gracias juanito!!
(q ganas tengo del 15 de mayo..! y del 25!!!! wooo!!)

At 8:02 PM, Blogger susiluz said...

i hate to say it but blogger doesnt like you at all Nach. Your comment has just showed up and it's from last night at 3:36. am i right?
Anyway, dont let it keep you from posting!

About the dog thing the only reason why i want a lab is cause that's the dog i had in canada. doesnt have to be a supper lab, blue blood (or whatever), nor have any pedigree or shit.
She was amazing. apparently i was the only person she didnt bark to even before she got to know me. and she waited in front of my room door when i was in school and slept there when i came back to spain. And she knew a hated it when she licked my hand and still did it when i was bewildered (and left running right after).
Dogs are amazing.
Im not expecting either to get one lab just as that one i had, it's just that i find them pretty cute. and adorable.

I'll keep dreaming. or waiting. no way we'll ever get a dog with my dad here. And probably when i move out i'll just have a small apartment and i wont have the heart to keep a dog in such a small place.
so, yeah, ill just leave it in "i'll keep dreaming".
oh well..

At 11:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now, that was heart-wrenching... I know that feeling. Dogs can be really amazing, and they can really make you feel loved, no holds barred.

Don't stop dreaming, who knows? Nobody knows where you'll live what can you have or not. I'm sure you'll have your dream one day ;)

Warm regards...


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