Friday, April 15, 2005

cold inside. and outside. and every-fucking-where

Fun fun fun at the computer lab. 2 windows are open and a few guys' been trying to close them. None of them succeeded, but it's funny seeing them on the table, trying to reach the damn window handle, while friends encourage them and laugh.
"Cool, now step on the comp case and turn the handle!!"

I started wednesday with the driving classes. I love it. It's real fun. I can't wait for the next class on Monday. The teacher was busy this afternoon so couldnt take me, but it's ok, i might go with my dad and the new car.
The black Chevrolet Kalos (<3) is already home. Apparently everyone in my family but me knew it'd be ready for yesterday. It was a great surprise. And a cool date to get it.
14th April.

Went out last night with Palo. She picked me up and we went to Malkavian. I got vanilla milkshake for a change... (seriosly, why is it that i ALWAYS ask for that?). The driving teacher she had is the same one i have now. Cool cool. She said he's good. He's nice, that for sure.

I'm off. Coffee time with Mercedes and Elena.
There are 3 windows open now.

P.S. I love you Karol, that sms really touched me. :-)


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