Thursday, December 8, 2005

mi casa es tu casa

Bands like FM Static remind me of the time in high school in Canada. With that boy who called to ask if i'd go to his football practice and walked me to my locker every morning that i saw him in the hallway, and who turned out to be an asshole and nowadays looks nothing like the hot guy he used to be. And that other kid that used to tease and tickle me everytime i walked by, and that would later on write me those letters saying he used to follow me to class before we'd even met and tried to make me look at him staring thru the door window.
Those were the days.
When she was still here and i'd see her every morning when i woke up. She, who'd bring me the phone with a wide smile in her face at 6 am when my mom called from Spain. She, who would start thinking about Christmas around October, hated snow and loved her cat.
She, who I miss more than I can say with words despite its been 4 years since the last day i spent with her. Since that summer i went back to spend 2 months with a family that made me feel at home since the moment I met them.

I cant stop thinking about her. Specially now that we're preparing the xmas package we send every year and that this time lacks olives, cause she was the one who liked them. And because i found a card she sent me just to say she missed me.

Listening: FM Static - Definitely maybe.


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