Saturday, November 5, 2005


If only every human being had a brain...

What happened tonight at the bus couldnt be more shameful. Actually is pretty much the same every weekend, but the fact that the driver stoped the bus to call the cops made things worse than usual. After the cops left and he started going again the retarded assholes sitting on the back started screaming "asshole driver oeoeoe, asshole driver oeoeoe" without ceasing hitting the windows and singing stupid songs as they'd been doing all the way from Moncloa.

Apart from that the night was great. I took the last bus cause it was being a blast and Mario asked me to stay. That kid is the only one with the ability to keep me from going home early. And tonight, staying was the least I could do. I'll miss his birthday party next weekend and he's one of my very best friends.
I hope good news from EMI come soon. Fingers crossed.

Listening: El Canto del Loco - Una foto en blanco y negro.


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