Friday, January 9, 2004


Have you notice how can I not write for ages and then some week post random stuff almost everyday? I've noticed. Dont have a logical explanation to that but I've noticed. hehe.

Lately things have been working out pretty good. I can't complain about anything. Well, yeah, I can start by saying how unfair this world in which we live in is, and how nosense are most (or all) of wars, how hypocrite some people are, how much I hate the spanish fucking president, and a list of things that could go on and on forever, but I mean I can't really complain about my personal life. It'd be way better if I could actually go (for real) to Sunset Fiction's show tomorrow in Pasadena (California) and meet Eric, but oh well.. Maybe soon. Yeah, hopefully soon. He's a great guy, a real cutie.

Song of the day:

:: Just say... Say you will follow me, follow me
:: Invite me to your memory
:: Just sing... Sing again for me, for me
:: That long forgotten song

- Synesthesia, AFI -


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