Wednesday, May 3, 2006

dyed hair and make up make me a scene girl

I wanna shave my head. But i dont want a shaved head.
I mean i'd like to have a razor cutting my hair really short and after some time enjoying the feeling of a semi bald head, immediately grow my hair back to its former length.
Needless to say that i wont do this. Basically cause hair doesnt grow within seconds and i'm fond of my wannabe-emo bangs.
[sarcastic mode on] chuck taylors, more eyeliner and i'll be just another typical scene girl! yoohoo! [sarcastic mode off]
Nah, dont get me wrong, as much as you hear me complain about how so many people seem to think that listening to screamo and dying your hair makes you rad (take a peek in myspace) im ok with posers. Seriously, i prefer a bunch of scene kids rather than copies of David Bisbal. Cause scene kids aren't all that bad.
And lots of scene kids == more shows.

Aside from my 'daily' babling, just say that the google talk was amazing. My intention was to be more specific and comment some things they told us about, but it'd take too much time and im tired.
Good night.


At 1:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ay dejatelo como el año pasado por estas fechas que te quedaba bien... y si tienes algo de mano con las tijeras te dejo que me arregles el mio un poco que lo tengo hecho una mierda. Mañana si me da me pego 2 tajos para arreglarme un trozo de pelo que va a su bola...xDD

At 11:16 AM, Blogger susiluz said...

hmmm.. y como estaba el año pasado por estas fechas? ya no me acuerdo. :-/
No tengo nada de mano con las tijeras, pero me ofrezco! siempre puedes rapartelo si no te convencen los trasquilones. jeje.


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