Monday, November 3, 2003


I wanted to write last night, but I got home too drunk. I though I was too drunk to cry too, but I guess we're never too drunk, or too tired, for that. It's fucked up. I wish we were. But anyways, I'm not drunk anymore and of couse not crying either. Feeling bad? Yes, I'm still feeling bad. And it's always about the same shit. I thought things were getting better but they're not. I guess he's not the friend I though he was... who cares tho? (I'd be lying if I said I don't).

Friday ruled in a way, and crashed in another. I went out with Charlie and Palo, it kicked ass! We did nothing but it was a real blast. Like the old times, kinda. Ana didn't come, that was the fucked up part. I'm glad I sitll have some of yous. Im glad I see you Vaki more than ever and I'm glad that you Palo, and I still have the same inside jokes (Tonta!!!). I'm glad I can call that crew I met a year ago, friends. I'm glad I have someone that cares so much about me...


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