Wednesday, September 12, 2007

paper bags and plastic hearts

Lately I drink too much coffee and too much Montain Dew, despite "Mountain Dew" and "too much" are no good together cause, how can it ever be enough?
Im listening to pop punk quite a lot, and bright eyes and death cab, which, the latter, i suspect is due to re-watching The OC for the third time. Same as answering the phone with "hello?" provided i know who's calling and its for me.
Exams are not getting all the attention they should be getting, last night i got the first mosquito bite of the season, and the peak of my day comes with reruns of FRIENDS.
You can get an idea of why i havent been posting.
There's just nothing to say.

But everything is fine. Seriously.

Listening: Boys Like Girls - The great escape.


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