Monday, August 29, 2005

killing logic

The closer exams are, the more I go out. Stupid, eh? But it's being fun. And 6-7 hours in the library are making up for lost time.
Friday night, Tribunal (as usual).
Saturday night, movies with Ana and hanging out with her and some guys from school afterwards.
Sunday evening-night, Karol's birthday at her place. A-W-E-S-O-M-E.
Im really happy i went.I drove there following JC cause i had no idea of how to get there, but it was easier than i thought and the way back home with the help of the map Karol drew for me and my sister, was a piece of cake. This girl will be getting visits every once in a while from now on. <3 her.
Laughed my ass off all night, basically thanx to Oscar. He's one of my favortite people on earth. Sweet and funny as hell.
I could go on for a while, but i dont feel like writing anymore. Sorry.
Dinner time. And CSI on in half an hour.

Who would have said i'd end up in a park having a blast with that guy, his g/f and my best friend? Life's crazy.
I really like these new people im starting to hang out with.


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